My New Book Is Available Now!

Hi everyone, 

I’m incredibly excited to share with you that I have written a book, and it’s now available as a paperback and ebook through Amazon (find links at the bottom of this post). Its title is How To Open The Heart: An Incredible Journey Into Vulnerability, Empathy, And The Transformation Of Consciousness. If you would like to hear a few of the details surrounding this book’s creation and contents, read on.

At the beginning of 2020, I formed a very clear vision of what I wanted to focus on this year: I wanted to push myself out into the world in new, challenging, and meaningful ways, both personally and professionally, and I planned to do so quite aggressively. Well, I didn’t get very far into that endeavour before the world essentially shut down completely, and I received the message from life loud and clear that my plan was not actually on the agenda for this timeframe. At least not in the way I’d been conceiving of it. 

In early spring, during the initial, strict lockdown here in Vancouver, I began playing with a book idea that I’d had in the back of my mind, but had been avoiding going into over the past year. In a state of isolation with absolutely no distractions, it was a pretty ideal time to dive into writing.

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve now spent the past eight or nine months completely immersed in writing and shaping this book. It has been an all-consuming, joyous, painful, and gratifying process. I’ve never given so much care and attention to a creative project, and I can honestly say that I never imagined creating a book that I feel so proud of and in love with.

My initial goal with this project was to write something that held parts of what I’ve been blessed to learn about in relation to working with emotions and energy over the past nine or so years. The form that this took is that of a story - the first hand account of a young man (me) whose heart has become closed and cynical to life, the world, and humanity, and the extraordinary process of tearing down the walls around his (my) heart.

The book chronicles about eight years of my life, during which I had the fortune of learning from a very gifted, empathic spiritual teacher, as well as engaging in my own explorations.

The book’s title: How To Open The Heart, pretty much holds its central theme completely. It’s a book about opening the heart, and navigating all the places within oneself that might be blocking that opening. 

For now, I think the only thing I will add is that I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of creating this book, and equally grateful to be sharing it with you. It’s a real honour, and I’ve been truly blessed by all of the people and forces that have come together to help shape it over these years. Some real genius souls have touched me and have their fingerprints all over the pages of this book. If you read it, you’ll know what I’m talking about. The entire creative process over these past months has felt very much ‘guided’ - in the sense that some invisible force has been present the whole time, moving things along, stopping things up, inspiring certain ideas and directions. The period of my life that the book covers feels very much the same.

It’s been an amazing journey, and a part of me can’t believe I actually made it here. But here we are, and onward we go.

If you’d like to get a copy (or download it), here is a link for Amazon (US), and Amazon (Canada). It is also available on most all other Amazon platforms worldwide.