Conscious Relationship

Having A Trauma Response To Love (Why Do We Run From What We Desire Most?)

Having A Trauma Response To Love (Why Do We Run From What We Desire Most?)

Nearly one year ago, I approached a lone woman sitting at a table in the restaurant where I work as a waiter. She was waiting for a few friends to join her, and I offered to bring her some water. There was a profound, quiet beauty to this woman that shook me. I felt something far beyond a mere physical attraction to her - I felt some kind of energy radiating from her that might be best described as a pure, quiet, dignified grace.

She was understated, humble, and elegant in our brief interaction, which I walked away from in a state of dizzying euphoria. It is a rare thing for me to feel so moved by a woman’s presence.

What was perhaps even more noteworthy than my instant, full-on infatuation with this attractive stranger, however, was my awareness that everything I was feeling seemed suspicious. Maybe all those months of isolation and introspection had given rise to a new self-awareness, because although I’d felt this kind of reaction in response to women before, I’d never noticed how terrible it felt.

Playing With The Insatiable Void - Holding Light For The Never-Ending Hunger Inside Us

Playing With The Insatiable Void - Holding Light For The Never-Ending Hunger Inside Us

It’s been about three or four weeks since my life suddenly shifted to the period of self isolation and social distancing we’re all currently navigating. At the moment, I can clearly see the blessings of this - but I won’t pretend that it hasn’t put me face to face with parts of myself that are aching and screaming at times. It actually turns out that confronting this pain is the blessing for me right now, and that’s exactly what I want to dive into the details of in today’s post.

I'm Triggered - Now What? (How To Know When You're Triggered - And Regain Your Balance)

I'm Triggered - Now What? (How To Know When You're Triggered - And Regain Your Balance)

I am a crown prince of tiggering. Or I would be, if they gave out crowns and royal designations for getting triggered and acting a fool.

But, alas, they do not. Still, I have a colourful history of getting triggered and enacting outdated, inappropriate and toxic patterns - not an incredibly unique trait, I know. But one of the greatest journeys of my life so far has been studying the process of emotional “triggering” - in my own life. Slowing it down while I am in it, learning the signature thoughts and feelings of various unconscious patterns that have traditionally subsumed me, and developing the awareness and emotional resilience to withstand this type of inner coup.

Polyamory, Conscious Monogamy & Knowing Your Heart's Needs

Polyamory, Conscious Monogamy & Knowing Your Heart's Needs

I have a lot to thank Polyamory for.

Let me be clear from the beginning though: I don't actually practice polyamory. However, my one brief foray into it's landscape was the catalyst for a period of deep soul searching that completely changed my life, in more areas than just intimate relationship.

Many years ago, I had been in a relationship with a woman for several months when they made it clear they were not comfortable with the relationship being exclusive. 

The list of things I felt when I found this out was long and intense: Confused, devastated, overwhelmed...